Senior Evangelist Terence


The Rainbow Covenant Ministry (RACOM) founded by Terence Tohmboh (Senior Evangelist Terence) in December, 2022, has as its primary mission, to be a beacon of faith, hope, and love in this end time by preaching the gospel of salvation to the lost souls and setting the captives free from demonic captivity for the salvation of their soul and the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Driven by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the Word of God, the mission of the Rainbow Covenant ministry is also aimed at cultivating a dynamic and Spirit-filled community that passionately worships God and fervently prays for revival.


The word as a gift is given to RACOM as a weapon to help the body of Christ win the lost, help those who are weak in spirit, free those held in captivity by the devil, bless the church, train the elect, and give hope of salvation to all sinners by calling them for repentance. The Bible says in 2Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is God-breath and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness “As a church in the body of Christ the word of God is our main priority to pass on the gospel of the kingdom of God


In the aspect of deliverance, the Lord has given us the commission in the book of Eph4:8 “This is why it says, When he ascended on high, He led captive in his train and gave gift unto men” At RACOM we have been given the authority to free captives and to save the lost in Christ from total condemnation. Christ has equally given his church the gift of healing; so that all those enslaved in the form of physical deformity, sickness, body infirmity, etc. by the supremacy in the name of Jesus are healed. For the word says in Isaiah 53:5 “by my stripes, we are heal”


In the area of the prophetic; RACOM is a word cantered Christ believing ministry. The bible says in Eph 4: 11-12 “it is he who gave some to be prophets, some to be evangelist, and some to be pastors and teachers; to prepare Gods people for work of service. Our preaching and teaching are based on the scriptures. For the word of God is a prophecy on to the children of God. As I said it’s a word cantered ministry, and God will always passed on his massage to his children in different ways. If he decides to do it through prophecy then all glory and hour to him seated at the throne. But let it be known that RACOM is a Holy Ghost inspired word teaching, salvation, Healing and deliverance warfare praying ministry whose main objective is to prepare the body of Christ for salvation in Christ Jesus.


Preaching the gospel of salvation and spreading the love of God remains the prime focus of the Rainbow Covenant Ministry. Any other thing, revolves around this main mission.

Our vision is to bring up Christians that will serve as divine vessels through which God expresses his love to mankind so that the unconditional love which prompted God to send his only begotten son to die for our sins, would be felt and spread to the ends of the earth and by so doing we would be able to make world a microcosm of paradise.

Giving Reshapes Our Destiny
Remember, knowing God is not only seeing His works, but learning His way. Therefore, we should let love be uppermost in our hearts because all our doings without love are nothing. Join the Ministry to feed the hungry, bring relief to the poor, support the weak the handicapped and bless the needy.
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Giving Reshapes Our Destiny
Remember, knowing God is not only seeing His works, but learning His way. Therefore, we should let love be uppermost in our hearts because all our doings without love are nothing. Join the Ministry to feed the hungry, bring relief to the poor, support the weak the handicapped and bless the needy.
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Giving Reshapes Our Destiny
Remember, knowing God is not only seeing His works, but learning His way. Therefore, we should let love be uppermost in our hearts because all our doings without love are nothing. Join the Ministry to feed the hungry, bring relief to the poor, support the weak the handicapped and bless the needy.
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Showing You the Way


Driven by the Holy Spirit and rooted in the Word of God, the mission of the Rainbow Covenant ministry is also aimed at cultivating a dynamic and Spirit-filled community that passionately worships God and fervently prays for revival.

We are dedicated to equipping believers with spiritual gifts and biblical truths, empowering them to share the gospel with boldness and compassion. Through discipleship, outreach, and supernatural encounters, we aim to bring healing, deliverance, and transformation to individuals, families, and nations, advancing the Kingdom of God with unwavering faith and relentless love.

Empowered by our shared faith in Christ, our mission is also to foster unity among believers, transcending denominational boundaries to work collaboratively for the greater good.

The Chapel

Church Project

THE HAND OF GOD CHAPEL” Is a divine inspired vision beaked in the place of prayer. In a vision I was caught up in the third Heavens and the Lord open my eyes and showed me a huge expense of land and said “son of man this land belongs to my church’. He said it shall be 2 hectares of land and it will be given to you free of charged.


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